композитора Ариэля Рамиреса..
Очень красивая латино песня радикально
переработанная JPM.
Начинается как католические песнопения и
превращается в настоящее безумие!
Синтетические "Пиу!" поверх фриковского бита,
переборы арфы и мощный вокал...
Причем это вроде-как саундтрек к малоизвестному
французскому фильму "Espion, leve toi" -
про шпионов конечно..
Я даже посмотрел этот фильм - но там этой музыки нет!
Да и вобщем и некуда ее там
вставлять - сплошной Морриконе...
One more cover by J.P. Massiera on a song by
argentine composer Ariel Ramirez.
Really beautiful latino song radically transformed
by a weird talent of JPM.
Starts like a religious chant and become a
pure dancefloor madness with that
synthetic "peow!" over the freaky slo-mo beat,
harp waves and power vocals...
That song written like a soundtrack for an french movie
called "Espion, leve toi" - i watched it, but didn't hear that song!
Only music by Morricone, sadly..
Usted Del Fuego - Misa Criolla
2 коммент.:
Hey Alien
I posted the 1982 Italo remix of 'Misa Criolla' over at Overfitting Disco in 7 & 12 Inch form and gave a link to this page for people to check out the original track:
I also posted the b-side of the other single done by Massiera & Torelli under the 'Usted Del Fuego' name called 'Usted' in 7 & 12 Inch form...The a-side track that was supposedly on the 'Espion, leve toi' film is called 'Cancion Del Fuego' but I have never heard it.
The film sounds excellent...some review compared it to The Parallax View which is one of my all time favourites.
Anyway, check out the tracks, I think you may like them!
nice blog http://kefirbrasil.com/perguntas-e-respostas/