На этот раз вашему вниманию предлагается редкий
сингл от монстра французской психоделической музыки -
Жана Пьера Массиеры!
Пластинка выходила в 1983 году под ником
Orient Express на лейбле Volpone.
Такая смесь ориентал рока, диско и даже электро фанка -
ну и конечно обложка - тотальный китч!!!
P.S. Спасибо The Saucer People за информацию -
"Inch Allah" это кавер на трек 1975 года
Johnny Wakelin "In Zaire"
Continuing the oriental vibe on Kefir!
This time i will post a rare single from the
monster of french psychodelic music -
Jean Pierre Massiera!
Released by the label Volpone in 1983
under the name "Orient Express".
An essential mix of oriental rock, disco and even electro funk.
And, sure, the cover is totally kitschy!!!
P.S. Thanks to The Saucer People for the info -
"Inch Allah" is a cover on a song
"In Zaire" by Johnny Wakelin from 1975..
Orient Express - Inch Allah
Orient Express - Abdullah Dollar
8 коммент.:
AWESOME ! thanks so much. i was just looking for this track today.
hey, but both audio tracks point to inch allah, i'd love to have abdullah dollar :)
cheers mate!
My bad!
Hey there
JP Massiera really is the wizard behind the curtain of the cosmic disco!
Funny you should post some rare Massiera, I have just joined Overfitting Disco blog and my first post was two tracks from his 1977 Herman's Rocket 'Space Woman' album (full tracks in 320 for download) - obviously great minds think alike!
These are two amazing tracks! Have you noticed how 'Inch Allah' is a re-working of Johnny Wakelin's 1976 "In Zaire" track?
Also what is weird is the fact that I have a 1978 album by Orient Express called 'A Desert Fantasy' which has a track called "Abdullah's Wedding" and general 'desert themes' but was created by completely different people and pretty sure JPM had no involvement (though I could be wrong!)
So it seems that the naughty JPM took the original band's name and created a couple of 'desert' themed tracks of his own five years after the original album came out!
Still, when it comes to Jean-Pierre Massiera, in my eyes he can do no wrong!
Another great post sir!
Thanks for the new link, Mr. Delon :)
It's cool what you have joined Overfitting disco!!
Now i will check it twice as frequently!
Never know what "Inch Allah" is a cover.
Will update information in a post. Need to check an "Orient Express" album also.
I seems to be addicted to Massiera works for a last couple of months.
It's funny what he's still performing!!
P.S. I almost forgot that, sorry, - will send you "Baby Moon Edit" today :)
Thank you for your kind comments! Yes, it's an honour to join Overfitting Disco though its hard to match the posts of Jussi & okay_awright, they have the most amazing records!
Yes, for the last couple of years I have constantly listened to the work of JP Massiera and Bernard Torelli, they have such a weird,bizarre, spaced out vibe!
Love the Chrome Hoof link you posted with JPM, they are a pretty cool band to check out as well.
Here is the link to the 1978 Orient Express album in case you or anyone has not found it yet. It came from the creamofdiscoconnection blog but sadly he has ended it because of the hassle he got from DMCA etc.
всем привет!
трек "In Zaire" пользовался популярностью у составителей пиратских евродиско-сборников: у меня он присутствует на 2-х CD, купленных лет 10 назад. Я еще тогда инстинктивно чувствовал, что это крутая песня (особенно хорош качовый псевдо-афро бит), но смущало соседство трека с Patrick Hernandez и прочими Sarah Brightman.
хотя я не удивлюсь, если один из твоих след. постов, Делон, будет посвящен кому-то из них.
hi there,
hi the saucer people! nice to meet you here.
I said that "In Zaire" track has been pretty popular among compilers of bootleg eurodisco CD-compilations in Russia. But track’s neighbors were people like Patrick Hernandez & Sarah Brightman. Although maybe those artists deserve a post at this blog too ))
нет нет - что ты! Какая Сара Брайтман! Боже упаси!